Accessing Page Information via API

Is it possible to access page info via the API?

  • Page Name
  • Default Tab
  • Fields
  • Display Names
  • Sorting
  • Grouping
  • etc.

Even if not all of those are some of those accessible?

From the page entity in shotgun itself it looks like none of those things are exposed in the Page Entity


I dont know about all that but a Page is an entity so you can definitely query pages and it’s fields through the API.

The grouping etc may be possible via an AMI?

see the screenshot above. the page entity does not expose fields, sorting, grouping, field names etc. (ie its not possible to see those things when you open the page entity in shotgun).

there is also no field that contains a JSON representation of the page details.

so based on what i see in shotgun its not possible but I’m hopeful someone might have some API ninja tricks that are not easily visible

Try the Fields Admin page, it displays way more fields that are not usually visible in the main UI as they are backend fields.

Some of these things, as I mentioned, are available when you run an AMI from the page.
For example, which fields are visible on the page, what you have selected etc.

Thanks that might be an alternative way of working with it since the API does not seem to provide the details

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Hey Patrick,
long time no see - hope you are doing well :grinning:

I guess the PageSetting entity is what you are looking for:

page_id = 11963
setting_entity = sg.find_one(‘PageSetting’, [[‘’, ‘is’, page_id]], [‘settings_json’])
settings = setting_entity[‘settings_json’]

Hope that helps.

All the best,
Tobi (Pfeiffer)

Also a users individual page settings (like filters) may be saved on a hidden field somewhere on their user perhaps.

For example, each user has a hidden field that records if they have gone through the first user login tutorial. There may be a lot you can query that is not part of official docs but still queryable.