Webhooks: Project Exclusion

From the webhooks form, I see there is a Project “inclusion” list.
What I’m interested in is a way to determine Project “exclusion.”

There might be a project we don’t want to run the webhook on, but all new Projects should.

This is of particular interest when dealing with the introduction of a new technology to the company which should only take affect on new projects.


Hey David, that’s not something that’s currently available in webhooks now, but I think it’s a great feature request. Thanks for the suggestion! I’ve passed this one along to our product team :partying_face:


May I ask what the status is on implementing this feature? Would dramatically improve our testing pipeline.

I don’t think this is out yet.
You could for convenience add a check function to your webhooks that checks for the project id.
Since newer projects have a higher id field number you could use that check to exclude any webhooks originating from a project with a id lower than the id number you specify.

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