Using multiple media representations of Versions in Shotgun Create

Shotgun Create supports multiple representations of versions. The following 3 representations can be used:

  • Frames : Shotgun Create will use the path_to_frames Version field.
  • Movie : Shotgun Create will use the path_to_movie Version field.
  • Streaming : Shotgun Create will stream the transcoded MP4 of the Version.

By default, Shotgun Create will use the first available representation. Available means that the path must resolve and the media must be readable.

The current representation is identified by the icon in the lower-left part of the playback controls menu.


Clicking on the icon will list all available representations (if there are more than one) and let you select which one the Player uses.

*In this example, only Movie and Streaming are available
*Note that the media file extension is used to populate the popup, indicating that, in this example, the movie file has a MOV extension.

Note that changing it only affects the current version and this setting is lost when navigating to another version.

To permanently force Shotgun Create to prefer one representation over the others, follow these steps :

  1. Click on your avatar (upper-right corner).
  2. In the SHOTGUN CREATE section, click Preferences.


  1. Select your prefered representation (Frames, Movie or Streaming).


  1. Click *Save".

Shotgun Create will now use your prefered representation if it is available and fallback on the others if it’s not.

I hope this helps! Have a nice day.



Thanks @desruie. I understand that Create should be able to update path_to_frames based on the Local File Storage setup in Site Preferences. So a PC would see a Mac-friendly path and swap it for a PC-friendly path. Is this true? If so, is there some documentation about this?