
I need a comprehensive and detailed training related to Shotgrid :sweat_smile:


I’m not sure if Shotgrid for Games is your particular flavor, but there’s an excellent video series on YouTube that you may find useful: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEOzU2tEw33rP_JaQhn0yn_hiUL5r-zH5

Disclosure: I used to work for Autodesk on the Shotgun/Shotgrid team, and I wrote the initial scripts for this tutorial series while I was still at the company. Sadly, I was trying to find all of the other online resources I’d written and contributed to over the years to share here, but it appears that Autodesk has scrubbed all of it from their website and it’s no longer publicly accessible in any way that I can find. It’s a shame, because all of it is still relevant as I’m still using my saved copies of those resources to onboard my entire studio to Shotgrid. :person_shrugging:

Just in case, you might want to download those videos locally before they decide to remove them.


@thejonjones We recently removed some older content that was hosted on wistia, and it’s possible that this may have been unintentionally removed. Do you remember what the content was? I can investigate!

@schicky exactly my thoughts :100:
Thanks for including these!