Apologies if this has been asked before. I have searched for a method but couldn’t quite find one to do what I am trying to do.
I am attempting to assign a hotkey to a custom RV app. I see the source code for tk-rv’s menu_generation.py looks for a hotkey in the AppCommand.define_menu_item and passes it along to rv.commands.defineModeMenu. Anytime I assign a hotkey, the app’s title has “ERROR” prefixed to it and the app won’t load.
Using this link, Custom Hotkeys - #6 by Michael.Kessler I have assigned a hotkey as “key-down–o” and “o” seems like a hotkey that’s not used by RV internally according to this page, RV hotkeys | ShotGrid | Autodesk Knowledge Network. I have tried other hotkeys as well “key-down–alt-p”, etc, and none work.
Is there a way to assign a hotkey to an RV app that loads the app?
Thanks in advance!