Tk-multi-starterapp GUI size

Good Afternoon Shotgun Community,

I have several Multi-Apps based off the starter-app. Several are converted from stand-alone PySide Apps.

One thing I just cant seem to figure out is how to control the dimensions on the main widget. I cant seem figure out how to resize the thing after removing/hiding widgets.


My gui (above) turns into this…


… after I hide hide some widgets, and not this…


The PySide setting that usually work don’t seem to have the desired affect or are not reaching the top-level widget.

This usually works in my stand alone apps. Not so much in the Shotgun Apps.

self.main_vlayout = QtGui.QGridLayout(Dialog)

Any pointers would be super appreciated. I feel like I have tried every possible combination of layouts and min/max/fixed constraints so there is something I am missing.

Also is there a way to control/disable the top masthead area so that does not take up additional real-estate? It is almost half of my App when ‘minimized’.



Hey @CGSoup—we’re checking into this one and will report back once we’ve discussed with the experts.

Hi @CGSoup – I have a partial answer for you on this one (for now). I can answer your second question:

Also is there a way to control/disable the top masthead area so that does not take up additional real-estate? It is almost half of my App when ‘minimized’.

Yes! See the blue Note box here.

As for your first question, we’ll need to poke around to see what widget you’d need to set the sizing on. If you’re willing to share your code, a repro case would definitely help us track it down more quickly. If you’re unable to post your code publicly, you can add a DM to me on this post, or email and reference this post.

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