Template Syntax

[By @donna]

Hi! Thanks you for help. Apologies for not responding sooner. I figured things out.
There were quite a few problems. The first was I didn’t understand that the ‘paths’ in the template.yml had to use the ‘Special’ keys which corresponded to the exact schema/folder ymls and that I couldn’t use a shot query key for the path definition.
Secondly, I figure out that I couldn’t have query keys that were duplicates of the fields used in the schema ymls. Ex
in Shot.yml if I had:

type: “shotgun_entity”
name: “sg_shortcode”
entity_type: “Shot”
filters: [ { “path”: “sg_sequence”, “relation”: “is”, “values”: [ “$sequence” ] } ]

And in the templates.yml I had

    type: str

    type: str
    shotgun_entity_type: Shot
    shotgun_field_name: code

    type: str
    shotgun_entity_type: Shot
    shotgun_field_name: sg_shortcode

The ‘shot_code’ key wasnt allowed because it was the same field queried in the Shot.yml

In the end I didn’t realize the the scehma path definitions were so tied to those ‘Special’ keys in the templates.yml and had to be used in the templates.yml path definitions.

Thanks for your help!