Shotgrid Handler Issues?

I’m trying to troubleshoot event handler errors on SG Jira Bridge.
The event daemon appears to be processing properly and sending event traffic to the localhost SG Jira Bridge site.
However, I always get handling errors not sure where or how it’s failing.
Below is an example debug log of what I’m receiving from the SG Jira Bridge web service.

2022-02-04 10:33:37,729 DEBUG [task_issue_handler] Rejecting Shotgun event for unsupported Shotgun field step: {u’entity_id’: 17444, u’entity_type’: u’Task’, u’project’: {u’type’: u’Project’, u’id’: 617, u’name’: u’Retro Test Project’}, u’meta’: {u’entity_id’: 17444, u’attribute_name’: u’step’, u’in_create’: True, u’entity_type’: u’Task’, u’old_value’: None, u’new_value’: {u’valid’: u’valid’, u’type’: u’Step’, u’uuid’: u’c400dd58-4bec-11e9-8487-0242ac110006’, u’name’: u’Design’, u’id’: 129}, u’field_data_type’: u’entity’, u’type’: u’attribute_change’}, u’user’: {u’type’: u’HumanUser’, u’id’: 1079, u’name’: u’Ethan Mcdonald’}, u’session_uuid’: u’c509eb22-85d7-11ec-8f1a-0242ac110007’}

This doesn’t seem like a failure.

What’s happening is in SG the step field on a Task entity has had an EventLogEntry created associated with the update of it’s value. The SG Jira Bridge is simply rejecting handling this EventLogEntry as there’s no action here.

You can see the fields it will handle in the source:

    # Define the mapping between Shotgun Task fields and Jira Issue fields
    # if the Jira target is None, it means the target field is not settable
    # directly.
        "content": "summary",
        "sg_description": "description",
        "sg_status_list": None,
        "task_assignees": "assignee",
        "tags": "labels",
        "created_by": "reporter",
        "due_date": "duedate",
        "est_in_mins": "timetracking",  # time tracking needs to be enabled in Jira.
        "addressings_cc": None,

Thank you for the explanation.
If you running the SG-JIRA-BRIDGE, for reference could you post your “” file under “/sg_jira/handlers/” ?
It may help sort out if I have the task handler configured incorrectly.

Hey sorry, I’m not actually running this in production, just had a look at the code out of curiosity as I’m looking at shotgunEvents related issues internally.

I was a dummy, I was attempting to sync Assets and not Tasks.
I’m not super familiar with ShotGrid but was tasked with getting this working.
Either way, it’s working with a Test project now. :slight_smile: