I would like to setup intermediate tasks in my gantt view.
For example, for a given cmp task with a start date at March 1st and a Due Date at March 31st, I would like to add two custom date fields. Let’s say “WIP date” and “Review Date”
If WIP date is set at March 10th and Review date at Marche 20th, I would like my gantt view to display a sole bar, on a only line, with three sections (Start-WIP | WIP-Review | Review-Due), with maybe three colors or three separators…
Is there a way to do that in Shotgrid/FPT ?
I know I could use milestoned tasks but I find the way it has to add plenty of “trash” tasks very confusing. Furthermore many of my collegues find the point on another line as the main bar very disturbing
@Perig short answer is no, the gantt views don’t offer much customization. You can add task field info to the head and tail of each bar by going to the advanced settings in the gantt display menu. But you will have to add those custom data fields to your tasks first and they likely won’t read in the visual way you are hoping for
Hey @stavernia thank you for your answer, it is very close to what I’m looking for !
Is there any way to display the task’s split field in the UI ? The article seems to say otherwise
You can see the splits in the gantt. But I don’t think you can set the split dates in the UI as a field. You can access and modify the split dates via API however, so you’d need to write something to manage the splits.
One possibility is to create fields for your intermediate dates (WIP Date, Review Date, etc.) and have a webhook or event daemon script to create split dates via the API if those intermediate dates are updated.