RV Python documentation

Hi Efraim,

When launching RV, you will need to enable SG Toolkit to have access to the SG Python Console. You can do so by connecting RV to a ShotGrid website through the ‘ShotGrit / ShotGrid Connection Details’ menu inside RV. Once RV is connected to the website, you will have access to the SG Python Console by going through the ‘Tools / ShotGrid Python Console…’, always inside RV.

As for the commands that can be use, you can find the content by opening the ‘Help / Mu Command API Browser’.

There are some packages coming with RV that have purposed to give examples on how to build some scenarios inside your scripts/packages. I believe you can find an example on how to connect hotkeys with actions by looking at the content of the following package that is distributed with RV:


You can also find more information about how to use RV packages by going through the following section of the RV Reference Manual:

Finally, you might also be interested by the following post made by Alexa on our community:

Hope this helps!
