I am have trouble to refresh the paint node through code to reflect the annotation strokes which I copied through code from different frame if I create any new annotation the copied over annotation also gets reflected and If I save the session and re-open the session it gets reflected too , I am not sure which command to use to redraw the annotation and update in the view .
There’s several properties that you need to keep in-sync to successfully handle the RVPaint nodes. One of my prioritized examples of my RV Developer Example series has a full example on how to handle RVPaint nodes and authoring your own annotations. I’ll reply here with a link to that developer example once I post it!
I’ve just released the RV-A-Sketch example here:
It is possible that you aren’t updating the paint.nextId property. You can check out the example to see all the properties required to modify the RVPaint node. If everything that is needed is supplied, it shouldn’t require any extra refresh (the act of updating the properties should be kicking off the dirty state).
Thank you very much Michael for getting back to me a full example, I took a look at you example as you said could be that I am doing things differently caused the update issue , I will try with a simple example and try if it updates , Once again thanks Michael
The problem was the order I was adding the “.paint.nextId” at last , moved it before setting the paint values and there it is working as expected, thanks for you help Micheal you example helped