I’m trying to write .mov movies from an .exr sequence in ACEScg colorspace. I would like my .mov to have a Rec.709 color space bakedin.
This work perfectly with RV, but i would like to do it with rvio
I’ ve found here a mthode for doing that (saving an RV session and using the " rvio ocio_session.rv -o ocio_output.mov"
But that does not work.
When i look at my .rv session , the ocio_display par seams empty(but i’m sure to have set it with rv, and the image look great) :
Do you have an idea of what i’m doing wrong ? Thanks
sourceGroup000000_tolinPipeline_0 : OCIOFile (1)
string function = “color”
int active = 1
int lut3DSize = 32
string inColorSpace = “ACES - ACEScg”
string outColorSpace = "scene_linear"
string look = ""
int direction = 0
string outColorSpace = ""
string display = ""
string view = ""
string description = "An ACES config generated from python"
string workingDir = "/prod/softprod/libs/ocio/aces_1.2"