Hi, everyone.
I’m wondering that query field which I created is never finished.
It is simple query from asset entity.
Is this bug?
I want some info about this.
thank you.
Hi, everyone.
I’m wondering that query field which I created is never finished.
It is simple query from asset entity.
Is this bug?
I want some info about this.
thank you.
Hi @hat27, welcome to the forums, and sorry to hear about the problems here.
Could you tell us a bit more about the field somethingFloat
which is being used to summarise, what type of field is this?
A few further questions:
field? If you summerise by another field, does the query complete successfully?Let us know and we’ll get you sorted.
Continuing the discussion from Query Field never finished:
Thank you for reply.
somethingFloat is float field(I tried int field too).
Does it only appear to load indefinitely when summerising on the
field? If you summerise by another field, does the query complete successfully?
I show Open Notes Count but it is not finished too.
Does it appear to load indefinitely for all users, or only a subset of users?
No. every user look same.
I found something!
①when I access Shot entity page from top of project page.it not finish calculating.
②but I create new shot entity page, it looks fine.
③I tried save as ① to another, result was same as ①
hi @hat27
Thanks for clarifying that, at this stage it seems like it is something specific with your Shotgun site and the specific fields/data on there.
Would it be possible to send URLs for the pages mentioned (where the query fields don’t load) to support@shotgunsoftware.com so that our support team can dig in further. Once we have that info we can continue to debug further.