Opening a Previously Created Non-Toolkit Maya Scene File to Save into a Shot Context

How would I go about opening a Maya scene file created outside of toolkit to then save it under a shot context.?
If I open the file through Maya File–> Open it disables toolkit. And if I import the file into toolkit after creating a “new file” in the shot, many things in the file break.


Hi Donna! Welcome to the forums :slight_smile:

Your best bet might be to copy the file to the proper location from the commandline or from your OS’s file manager, then it will show up in Shotgun -> File Open the next time you launch Maya.

Note that Toolkit will need the folders that the file is in to have been registered in the path cache for the file to show up. If the folders were created via Toolkit, then that should have happened at that time. If not, you can run the following tank command from your project’s Pipeline Configuration’s root folder:

tank Shot <shot_name> folders

where <shot_name> is the name of your shot.

Hope that helps! Let me know if you still have questions.


Hi Donna

One other suggestion to add to Tannaz’s:

You could disable automatic context switching on the tk-maya engine, by setting the automatic_context_switch: False for the engine settings in the tk-maya.yml. This will mean that it won’t disable the Shotgun integration when you open the file that doesn’t conform to a template. However it will also mean that the context will no longer automatically switch if you open or save a file through the standard Maya open save dialogs.

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Thanks for the suggestions! I tried the first suggestion… So easy! Ill keep Philip’s in mind in case we want to go that route.
Speaking of the cache. Is there documentation (that I’m sure I missed) that lists all the tank commands. We are in the process of modifying the project directory structure, So I may have to update the project cache quite a few times in the near future.

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Hey Donna –

There isn’t a document on the different tank commands, as they can vary in a given environment based on how you’ve configured your pipeline. What you can do is run tank with no arguments, and it will list all the commands you have available. Some tank commands have specific usage beyond the listing – so for example, if you run tank move_configuration, you’ll get more details of how to use that command.

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hmm ok
However when I just type tank in a command prompt, I don;t even get move_configuration as a valid command.
I only get commands to launch software , demos, log folder and publish
I know this topic has turned into a new one, so Ill create a new ticket…

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