Hi i just want to confirm, that issues is somehow on our side.
to somehow sum-up the issue.
I started to encounter an issue where tk-desktop started to throw error that
'CustomNonProjectEntity23' is not valid entity
after changing out temaplates for tk-desktop (tk-desktop.yml)
sg_software_entity: Software
I started to get another error in no_apps_installed_overlay.py script.
because shotgrid query checks ‘sg_projects’ field on sg_software_entity,
and that does not exists or no longer exists…
(field is called ‘projects’ because original shotgrid tables do not have to include ‘sg_’ )
not sure where this issue originated.
Can someone confirm that the
“sg_software_entity” should have “CustomNonProjectEntity23” as a default value and not “Software” ?
if “CustomNonProjectEntity23” is indeed correct, than why it does not work for custom pipeline configuration without softwares ?
Or even how to make “CustomNonProjectEntity23” work again?
( we have to have such a configuration, because running full pipeline config for simple commandline operations or testing is not time efficient)