Hi @johnny.duguid,
I noticed that my previous post of this was better placed here than under the other post “(Feature Request Board on Shotgun Community?)”
I am reading through these posts on the community site because I find it very hard to keep track of submitted ideas on the shotgunsoftware roadmap.
Having 2 or 3 requests submitted I cant seem to find them back nor keep track of the status.
It also looks like there is no way to see other ideas from users except for when they are being moved to the ‘‘considered’’ tab by the SG team.
What would be the best way to work?
The community site works good for all users to follow along. Making a ticked via support is good for seeing the actual status of your requests. But pushing an idea on the roadmap is what actually should be done?
An example ticked ID that should have a roadmap request assigned to it is: 113833
I noticed an update on this feature group in latest release but cant figure out if my request is implemented, considered and denied or even seen by the SG team.
Could you help us pointing me in the right direction on how we should be working?