Help with query field for task changes count


I’m trying to create a query fields for tasks which would show me how many times a task’s status has been set to complete.

I’m not used to query fields, and despite reading the doc, I can’t thing of something else than this:

Which clearly doesn’t work :smiley:

Any advices? Thank you!

I do t believe you can do that with the standard query fields. You would need to query the event logs to get that info


Yeah you can’t do that with a Query Field.
The historical data is logged in EventLog entries, these are queryable but I dont think you an query what you want in the Query fields on the Site.

You can do this via API though.

thank you very much you two! I’ll have a play with the EventLog entries.

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I prefer to avoid queries for these “very static” situations that do not depend on many things moving.

Depending on your instance’s activity, and how many of these queries are happening at once (let’s say you have a 100-200 item page), querying the event log can become painfully slow.

We have a similar need but to count retakes instead of finals and we use a very simple webhook that gets triggered on task status change, it just checks whenever the status is changed to ‘rtk’ and if after a 5 minute delay (to avoid user-error on status changes) the status is still ‘rtk’ it adds +1 to a field. This way you have a plain text field that can very easily be filtered to find struggler shots, which you cannot do with queries.

Hope that helps!