I am still new to the FPT tookit and I apologize if I am not stating my questions correctly please bare with me. I have a working pipeline but I would like to modify the location of some folders and where the FlowProductionTrackingWrite node will send the render output. It is currently going to X:{PROJECT}\sequences{PROJECT}-_02{PROJECT}_02_010\COMP\publish\elements\scene\v002\ but I would like it to output to the a folder inside our studio folder structure, specifically in X:{PROJECT}\TEST_SOFIA{PROJECT} _02{PROJECT}_02_010_90-RENDER. I assume I need to modify the tk-writenode.yml file and possibly the templates.yml file. Is there any other file I need to modify?
Also, in the screenshot you can see the folders created by the default configuration, but is it possible these folders can be inside another folder of our folder sctructure? Or maybe not exist at all? Are these folders needed for the toolkit to work correctly? My studio is also modifying where our projects will be stored from the X: drive to another drive, but I have all of the toolkit configurations in the X: drive and when I set them up originally I chose the “Centralized” option. Will this cause moving forward if the studio decides to use a different drive? Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.