I am still somewhat new to the SGTK but I was wondering, is there a way to send the FlowProductionTrackingWrite node render to a Deadline repository? Please let me know if there is any documentation on this as I have not found any, and thank you in advance for any help.
There is a SG implementation within deadlines nuke submitter, but I’ve never been a fan.
What’s the problem with submitting deadline renders from scripts with SG writenodes currently?
The typical problem is lack of access to the writenode gizmo on rendernodes. This can be resolved by either:-
implementing a global pre job load deadline script that bootstraps a sg environment on the rendernodes prior to launching nuke (which adds the tk-writenode app to nukes environment thus allowing the writenode to resoolve).
updating the nuke deadline submission logic such that it converts the sg writenodes to normal writenodes during submission, and then converting them back once submitted.
adding the witenode gizmo as a deadline job auxiliary file, and then use a global job preload script on deadline to add the auxiliary file folder path to the nukepath.
I get this error when sending a FPTWrite render to Deadline:
Error: [17:32.48] ERROR: FlowProductionTrackingWrite1: ‘WriteTank’: unknown command. This is most likely from a corrupt .nk file, or from a missing or unlicensed plug-in. Can’t render from that Node.
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginWrapper.RenderTasks(Task task, String& outMessage, AbortLevel& abortLevel)
Which of the 3 approaches you mentioned do you believe to be the most straightforward?
Yea that’s the gizmo issue.
Least code is probably the auxilliary file approach… although for me it feels a bit of a hack.
Switching the writenodes to normal writenodes and back is the more standard approach.
Have fun with updating the deadline submission code… it can be a painful learning curve!