Hello, I am trying to make the shotgun event Daemon work. So far I have successfully connected and executed a few test plugins using the foreground option as per instructions. However, as soon as I try to use the start option. It gives me this:
shotgunEventDaemon.py:64: DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead.
CURRENT_PYTHON_VERSION = StrictVersion(sys.version.split()[0])
shotgunEventDaemon.py:65: DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead.
PYTHON_26 = StrictVersion("2.6")
shotgunEventDaemon.py:66: DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead.
PYTHON_27 = StrictVersion("2.7")
Starting service ShotgunEventDaemon
Error starting service: Access is denied.
Any idea what is causing this and how to authenticate to use the start option?