Is it possible to have an entity folder appear under two different roots?
I tried to get the filters working such that a Shot linked to a Sequence only gets created on rootA, and if it’s not linked to a sequence it only gets created on rootB, but I couldn’t get the filter to work as SG complains about the fact the Shot has a required field sg_sequence.
How do I tell SG via the schema not to create folders if a certain field is empty?
>>> pprint.pformat(tk.preview_filesystem_structure('Shot', 3804))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\Program Files\Shotgun\Resources\Desktop\Python\bundle_cache\app_store\tk-multi-pythonconsole\v1.3.1\python\app\", line 230, in execute
results = eval(python_code, self._locals, self._locals)
File "<python input>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Users\pmacdonald\AppData\Roaming\Shotgun\fth\p1553c4238.basic.desktop\cfg\install\core\python\tank\", line 933, in preview_filesystem_structure
self, entity_type, entity_id, True, engine
File "C:\Users\pmacdonald\AppData\Roaming\Shotgun\fth\p1553c4238.basic.desktop\cfg\install\core\python\tank\folder\", line 216, in process_filesystem_structure
tk, config, io_receiver, i["type"], i["id"], i["sg_task_data"], engine
File "C:\Users\pmacdonald\AppData\Roaming\Shotgun\fth\p1553c4238.basic.desktop\cfg\install\core\python\tank\folder\", line 58, in create_single_folder_item
tk.shotgun, entity_id_seed
File "C:\Users\pmacdonald\AppData\Roaming\Shotgun\fth\p1553c4238.basic.desktop\cfg\install\core\python\tank\folder\folder_types\", line 395, in extract_shotgun_data_upwards
"again!\n" % (self._entity_type, name, field)
tank.errors.TankError: The Sequence myshot has a required field sg_sequence that
does not have a value set in Flow Production Tracking.
Double check the values and try again!
I figured this out.
If you need to filter using a field that some entities may have undefined, then you need to first add relation “is_not” and then [ null ], before you then add the condition you need for the entities that DO have this value.