Darshan Hirannadani : Proper Use of "Combine" GLSL Node for Accessing EXR Channel Layers

Hi all,

I’m trying to use a GLSL node to access the “depth.Z” channel from EXR files. Based on the documentation, I’ve set up the “combine” evaluationType node with parameters like this:

string layer0 = “”
string layer1 = “depth”

This setup worked initially, and I was able to retrieve the depth channel. However, I ran into issues with the next node in the chain. The inputImage.size() function occasionally returns garbage data, and I’ve seen intermittent errors like:


ERROR: Invalid attribute location in RenderPrimitives::render.

I found a similar issue on the OpenRV GitHub page (link), which seems to match my problem.

My main question is: Am I using the “combine” node type correctly for extracting EXR channels, or could this be a bug? Has anyone had experience with this issue, or could you share a working example?

Also, I noticed the position of the node affects the outcome. When I placed it after a sequence, I encountered the errors mentioned above, but placing it directly above the sourceGroup seemed more stable, although it caused other problems.

I’m running RV 2024.1.0 on Windows 11. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance.

Darshan Hiranandani