I noticed that custom TK engines that are using the “shotgun” type descriptor (stored in ShotGrid) aren’t getting the right engine name when pulled into the config. However, they do get the right name if using the “dev” descriptor type (stored locally). Using the “name” key on the descriptor doesn’t fix the issue. This is effectively breaking the hook call on the workfiles2 app (image below)
Example: forked tk-maya engine - Note the “Engine” name below
Shotgun descriptor (in Maya):
{‘Engine’: ‘CustomNonProjectEntity01_595’, ‘Engine Version’: ‘v7742’, ‘Host App Version’: u’2018.7’, ‘Host App’: u’Maya’}
Dev descriptor (in Maya):
{‘Engine’: ‘tk-maya’, ‘Engine Version’: ‘local’, ‘Host App Version’: u’2018.7’, ‘Host App’: u’Maya’}
Anyone come across this before and know how to fix it? Seems like a bug to me.