The shotgrid daemon i’ve setup from the github has crashed the other day and is now refusing to startup and load the plugins. After some more tries with the log infos on, i’ve received this error message, but i can’t find a solution online about this particular problem.
Any help appreciated! It was working fine for two months before that.
2023-02-08 12:22:36,145 - engine - CRITICAL - Crash!!!!! Unexpected error (<class 'EOFError'>) in main loop.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\shotgrid\shotgridEvents\shotgunEvents\src\shotgunEventDaemon.py", line 365, in start
File "C:\shotgrid\shotgridEvents\shotgunEvents\src\shotgunEventDaemon.py", line 389, in _loadEventIdData
self._eventIdData = pickle.load(fh)
EOFError: Ran out of input