After Effects Shotgrid integration: EXR template for publishing

Hey everyone, I brought up part of the issue here, but I would like to add the ability to publish EXR sequence renders from After Effects through the Shotgrid Publisher. I can create a custom template, but without an Output Module with a Format set to EXR, I can’t set the output path to the correct format. So my question is, what’s the best way to handle this? Currently it seems like the best option is to create a Custom EXR Output Module, export that as a preset, then copy the preset settings over to the AE settings. The issue with this is, it has to be done prior to AE launch, and it feels unnecessary to be performing a whole copy action to attempt this. Is there another way of doing this that would work?

I believe this is a result of limitations to the After Effects API.
I seem to remember this was discussed in a video about the tk-adobe framework.

Unfortunately not all Adobe applications have a full Python or JavaScript api to do these things.

However perhaps these things are now possible, I’m not sure.

I’ve dealt with this at our studio. You’re right in that you need to have your output modules preinstalled.

In our studio I made a custom app that installs our output module templates. So users have an “Install Studio Templates” command available in the ShotGrid Panel. The app temporarily imports an AE template project that includes queued renders using the output modules you’d like to install. Then iterates over the render queue, saving each of the output modules as a template in the user’s AE session.

You could probably do the same thing as a hidden validation step using the tk-multi-publish2 framework so that it’s not something the users have to think about. Personally we don’t use the publish app in AE, I rolled our own app that suited our artists a bit better. You can check it out at GitHub - nybrandnewschool/tk-aftereffects-queue: An After Effects render queue for ShotGrid Toolkit.

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