Hello eveybody,
have a question ,
in the post_phase.py
while traversing the tree
i am unable to get if the task is checked or not ,
for example in the post_phase.py:
for item in publish_tree:
for task in item.tasks:
print("POST FILES IN TASK -> %s"%task)
if task.settings["Export 3de4 to Mel"].value is True:
print("is checked")
the task returns the multipublish ui tasks including the one writes the mel script
" Export 3de4 to Mel"
but when i try to get the value it complains , any idea how to get if the task is checked or not
I figured out why the exportMel.py is publishing the script in the wrong place ,
“obviously the template path and the publish publishes the scene in this location”
but if i could figure out why i could not get publish ui task value any help on this would be great
below is the original question i had posted:
while publishing from a dcc for example 3de4 ,
we are adding implementation to export out a mel script (camera info and so forth) to a defined template path,
tried to follow the maya abc export function (in the acceptence phace it seems to ignore the mel part)
tried another way ,
in the engine/multipublish2, under the dcc, created a Export 3de4 to Mel ui,
- name: Export 3de4 to Mel
hook: "{config}/tk-multi-publish2/publish_file.py:{engine}/tk-multi-publish2/basic/exportMel.py"
Publish Template: 3de4_shot_mel_export
the template is defined here as so
definition: 'sequences/{Sequence}/{Shot}/{Step}/work/maya_export/{Shot}_{Step}[_{name}]_v{version}.mel'