1.7.0 Release Notes

We’ve released the following in Flow Generative Scheduling 1.7.0:


  • Information about Resource Class usage for a specific project can now be exported as a CSV from the Resources tab.
    • Each row in the CSV represents a day, and each Resource Class has three columns:
      • Units: The actual number of units used by that Resource Class on that day.
      • Objective: The ideal utilization of that Resource Class on that day. For more details on ideal utilization, see Generative Scheduling concepts.
      • Work: The total amount of work occurring on that day for the Resource Class, in seconds.
    • The final column in each row contains the total available working time for that day, in seconds.

Bug Fixes

  • Recent playgrounds are now correctly displayed in the playground drop-down menu when there has been more than one imported playground.
  • Restoring a deleted scenario no longer creates an extra duplicate of that scenario.
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