We have version control issues - Help me pitch Shotgun to my studio

Hello, I’m an animator in a game company using Esoteric Spine for animations with freelancers from all over the world (Which includes China - so need firewall considerations)

I’m looking for version control software as we are running into pipeline problems at the early stages and I need a way to definitively show how Shotgun can make our lives better. Currently freelancers are being assigned work without other animators knowing about it while still being assigned that very same work. We’re also receiving old files from supervisors. Within a week there will be NO way for an animator to double-check file versions and we are guaranteed to have a very surprised team lead wonder why animation gets so far behind.

I’m new to the studio but I’ve got 12 years professional animation experience and I’ve seen this before. I’m not familiar with shotgun - more versed with Trello, but the way I know it uses google drive which can’t be used internationally. Please help me make the pitch for Shotgun.


Hi James!

The pain points you’re referencing are far too close to home.
I winced when you alluded to multiple artists ‘being assigned that very same work’.

Shoot me an email and lets see how we can help on the Shotgun front.
