Suggestions on improving tk-multi-launchapp v0.12.4

Dear ShotGrid team!

I saw that you updated the tk-multi-launchapp (v0.12.4) and in the changelog you mentioned that you added an indication to the app that is launched, which was always a feature that I hoped for!
So I tried it out this morning and unfortunately it is not working super awesome for our studio setup. We are using custom launch scripts in the software entities, that all live in the same folder on our server. So when we launch any application from SG Desktop we will get this dialog:


Since the path is truncated, there is not even a hint on what was launched. So I thought that I suggest a few improvements on this:

  • If possible replace the SG logo with the logo of the app that was launched.
  • Only show the file name of the executable that was launched
  • or just the application and the version number that was launched.

Not insisting on anything here. Just a few tweaks to make this as awesome as its supposed to be! :smile: Thank you for the improvements anyway! :slightly_smiling_face:



Hi Fabian, I appreciate your feedback on this one.

Our team will take a look as soon as they can and discuss how this can be improved.

Thank you for your suggestions as well :raised_hands: