I’m trying to figure out where the shotgun browser configuration data is stored. Let’s say I add a few fields to the version info panel. If I close out and delete my RV.ini file, those fields persist.
I’d like to be able to make system-wide changes with a centrally located configuration file but I can’t determine if those shotgun field changes are local to the user or somehow global.
Thanks for posting. You can find the prefs paths of each operating system here in the reference guide: RV Reference Manual - Chapter 15: Hierarchical Preferences. For OSX that is $HOME/Library/Preferences/com.tweaksoftware.RV.plist .
Initial values of preferences can be overridden on a site-wide or show-wide basis by setting the environment variable RV_PREFS_OVERRIDE_PATH to point to one or more directories that contain files of the name and type listed in the above table. It’s also possible to create show/site/whatever-specific preferences files that always clobber the user’s personal preferences.
The ini file remains unchanged if I modify the shotgun version fields displayed. I can’t tell from the ini file if its grabbing those settings from some session configuration. That’s where I’m stuck.
Let’s say I added “Frame Average” field to my version readout. I don’t know where that change is getting saved.
I’d like it to persist to all users and not just on a per-session basis. I’m just not sure that it’s explicitly stated in the RV.ini file. And if it is it’s part of the session data which I’m sure is per-user.
Have you taken a look at the Shotgun and RV configuration guide? It goes more into detail about how the Shotgun fields are propagated into RV:
You can also take a look at RV_INSTALL_PATH/PlugIns/Mu/shotgun_mode.mu to see where these are saved out to. Most of the configuration for what kinf of data appears is handled through shotgun_fields_*.mu in the same folder as shotgun_mode.mu