Recommended way to share/update pipeline configurations between projects?

I thought I’d chime in with a suggestion as well.

Option 1

Another approach would be to have a site config (a PipelineConfiguration entity with no project set), using a distributed setup. This will mean that all projects that don’t have their own config will use the site config (you will still need to set a tank_name value on each Project entity).Then to take over for a specific project, you can just create a PipelineConfiguration for that project. That will be a full config take over though.

Option 2

If you just want to handle taking over specific hooks or environment yaml files, then you could maybe make use of environment variables. Here is an example:

Here is a config where I just mocked up a test: (286.4 KB)

In this config, if you were in a project called garden show then it would not show the software launchers in Shotgun Desktop, but for all other projects it would.

In the config, I used environment variables to define the includes path.

I also added code to the core hook, that contained the following code to set the environment variable based upon the project the configuration was linked to. If a project-specific settings folder was found (named after the project) , then it would define the PROJECT_SETTINGS env var to that. If one isn’t found it would define the env var to settings (which is the default folder.)

        if context.project is None:
            os.environ["PROJECT_SETTINGS"] = "settings"

        # set an environment variable that will later be used to resolve the include path to the project
        # specific settings inside the generic config.
        settings_folder_name = "{0}_settings".format(context.project["name"])
        # remove any spaces from the name
        settings_folder_name = settings_folder_name.replace(" ", "_").lower()

        # Check project settings exist
        config_path = self.sgtk.configuration_descriptor.get_path()
        settings_folder_path = os.path.join(config_path, "env", "includes", settings_folder_name)
        self.logger.debug("checking for project specific settings here: %s" % settings_folder_path)
        if not os.path.exists(settings_folder_path):
            # no project specific settings found use the default location
            settings_folder_name = "settings"

        self.logger.debug("Using settings folder name: %s" % settings_folder_name)

        os.environ["PROJECT_SETTINGS"] = settings_folder_name

I also took over the core hook and added os.environ["PROJECT_SETTINGS"] = 'settings' so that if the config is used as a site config then it will take the settings block.

This is just an example though, there are probably a number of different ways to set up something similar.