Not sure what the "SGDAEMON_LOGARGS_NAME" value is supposed to be

Each plugin needs to authenticate to be able to interact with ShotGrid. For the event plugins you need to create a new Script entity which provides you with a username and password. The plugin then uses these username and pass to basically login.

you could put the name and pass in the code like this:


or you could assign these values as an environment variable to SGDAEMON_LOGARGS_NAME and SGDAEMON_LOGARGS_KEY and the code will pick them up during the execution. I would recommend this way which it’s safer.

You don’t have to create a new script name and key for each plugin and plugins can share them, but depending on the numbers of the plugins you’re going to have in your production, it might be a good practice to have a unique script name and key for each plugin, for the organization purposes.

Hope that helps