Local file copy issue

Hi All,

When I am publishing the local files through the publish tool from sg-desktop and after publish it didn’t get copied to the folder. It is only creating a record in versions & published versions.

My question is this right or files should get copied to the folder or not?

I think if the work and publish template match the available fields, files will get copied, otherwise they are published “in place”. Not 100% sure but I remember this from looking at the default hooks earlier.


Otherwise, if this is the standalone publisher youa re talking about it will register in place.
The logs should tell you if it couldnt find a work/publish template.


Legacy tank command pathway disabled, I got this from sg desktop console.

Does it relate here to my issue?

No not really, I think if you are using the standalone publisher you will need to create some hooks so you can have it copy files to the project structure with a template of your choosing.

Thank you Ricardo, will inform this to our developer and see what we can do.